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Policy and Systems Change

We believe that a key way to achieve lasting impact is to change policies and systems. 

Policies – at every level – shape the conditions where we all live, work, learn, and play. Policies can make our systems and institutions better able to promote health and prevent disease – or they can have the opposite effect, undermining health and well-being. For example, in some local jurisdictions, stores that sell tobacco must have a license, but in other areas, they don’t. This policy difference means that in some places, people are well-protected against illegal sales to youth, but not in other areas. This inconsistency isn’t just unequal; it’s unjust. Every child should be protected against early exposure to addictive tobacco products. 

From 2018-2023, Interact for Health invested in local tobacco policy efforts across Greater Cincinnati, including Tobacco 21, which raises the minimum age for sale of tobacco products from 18 to 21 years old. During this period, youth access and sales dropped significantly due to policy changes.

Interact for Health is particularly focused on policies related to mental health and those related to the vital conditions for health and well-being. We use our voice to take positions on policies, fund organizations and coalitions to advance health policy issues, and are working with partners to build a robust, inclusive and effective advocacy ecosystem. As a foundation, we do not engage in lobbying.

Whether engaging directly or supporting others, we strive to center the perspectives of people affected by the policies so that decisions are made with – not for – people. We support efforts that elevate community voice and encourage those most impacted by inequities to lead the conversation and tell the story. When we begin to hear and learn more about the underlying causes of health disparities, such as economic injustice, systemic racism, and other forms of marginalization, we’ll be better able to tackle those problems effectively.

Some key roles we play in advancing health policy include:

  • Strengthening organizational capacity and alliances to support equitable policy and system change.
  • Learning about how people think about policy issues, through opinion polling, community-led discussion sessions, and more – and taking steps to move mindsets when that makes sense.
  • Conducting in-depth evaluations of policy efforts.

To learn more about how and why we focus on policy and systems change, click through to information about our strategic planning process.

To find out about possible grants, visit our Open Funding Page.


Policy Position Statements

Interact for Health's board of directors adopts and issues position statements about policies related to its priority areas. Here are some of our past position statements.  

For more information about our work to advance policy and system change focused on the social drivers of health, contact

Megan Folkerth, Program Director of Health Policy and Systems

For more information about our work developing and advancing mental health policy changes, contact

Sonya Carrico, Program Director of Mental Health Policy